Behavioral Research in Eating (BRIE) Lab

We research innovative ways to help people eat healthier, lose weight, and prevent chronic disease using emerging technologies and dietary approaches. Our work explores mobile health (mHealth), digital self-monitoring, and plant-based diets to support lasting health behavior change.

Welcome to the BRIE Lab

Our lab focuses on discovering ways to help people eat healthier, lose weight, and prevent chronic disease. To achieve this goal, the BRIE lab focuses on ways to use emerging technology to assist with dietary self-monitoring, physical activity tracking, and provision of social support. In addition, the BRIE lab also focuses on dietary approaches that do not require dietary self-monitoring, such as the vegan and vegetarian diets. Led by Dr. Brie Turner-McGrievy in the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina, we’ve conducted a number of research clinical trials in the following areas:

  • Emerging technologies to create health behavior changes
  • mHealth and eHealth
  • Vegetarian and vegan dietary approaches in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases
  • Diet quality and assessment
  • Obesity prevention and treatment

Meet the members of the BRIE Lab

Contact Us

Interested in coming to USC to pursue graduate work in nutrition and health behavior? Want to come join the BRIE lab? Or are you interested in learning more about the work we do at the BRIE lab? Please use the contact form below to drop us a line.

Support the BRIE Lab

Interested in funding the innovative and transformative work we conduct in the BRIE Lab? If so, visit our donation site:

University of South Carolina
915 Greene St
Columbia, SC 29208